Khajur (Dates) Benefits [Khajour or Khajoor]


What is Khajur? Khajur is a type of fruit that has a hard core and thin skin and grows in large clusters on trees. Khajur belongs to the group of palms, and the height of these palms can reach up to 20 meters.

The unripe fruit of khajur is known as “kharak,” and the date that is in the first stage of ripening is called “Rutab or Rotab.”

It is essential to note that khajur is the same as the date fruit, and in some regions, dates are referred to as khajur.

Khajur dates calories

Each khajur contains around 20 calories, 2.8 milligrams of calcium, and 5 grams of carbohydrates. Dates are also a rich source of antioxidants, with tannins being the most significant. Tannins help prevent cell damage and protect against inflammation. Moreover, consuming khajur on an empty stomach is known to be effective in eliminating intestinal worms.

Types of Khajur dates

There are different types of khajur or date fruit, and their names may be pronounced differently in various regions. In the following, we will introduce some of the varieties:

Sukkari dates: Sukkari dates are mostly cultivated in Saudi Arabia. These dates have a soft texture and an oval shape. The name “Sukkari” is derived from the Arabic word for sugar, highlighting their exceptional sweetness.

Medjool dates: Originating in Morocco, Medjool dates are large and delicious with a toffee-like flavor.

Barhi dates: Also known as yellow dates, Zahidi dates are native to Iraq. They have a soft texture and thicker flesh compared to some other date varieties.

Deglet noor dates: Deglet Noor dates are one of the best date varieties from Tunisia and Algeria. They are semi-dry and not overly sweet, making them a popular choice for cooking.

Ajwa Dates: Ajwa dates are a type of date fruit that is widely cultivated in Medina, Saudi Arabia. These dates are medium-sized, oval-shaped, and have a black skin.

Khajur dates benefits

Eating khajur dates can provide many health benefits, including relieving constipation, regulating cholesterol levels, improving intestinal and heart health, treating anemia, and addressing sexual disorders.

What are the symptoms of khajur corruption?

However, khajur dates can also spoil due to the presence of bacteria, mold, yeast, and storage pests. The sour smell is an indicator of date fermentation, and moldy spots may be visible in bulk dates stored in inappropriate conditions. Worms and the presence of pests in khajur dates are also signs of spoilage, and it is crucial to address this issue by harvesting the dates in stages and ensuring proper storage conditions.


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