
Wholesale Dates Fruit

Wholesale dates: With 240.000 hectares of dates groves, Iran is one of the largest and most important producers of this product globally. The country produces more than 1 million tons of date fruit annually, making Iran the second-largest date producer in the world. The first place belongs to Egypt, as they produce even more than Iran. After Iran, other countries such as Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Pakistan are considered other producers and wholesalers of dates. Date fruit are one of the oldest plants that were cultivated by humans, and they can only grow in warm or semi-warm regions. They’re one of the most important food sources for desert dwellers due to having high amounts of sugar and being less susceptible to rotting. Humans have been cultivating dates since ancient times. According to our evidence, dates have been grown and cultivated in Iran since 3000 years ago. Because of its consumption and trade in middle eastern countries, the cultivation and distribution of different types of dates can be seen in countries of this region such as Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, North Africa, and the United Arab Emirates. [ buy dates wholesale ]

Wholesale datesTypesprice
kimia datesfreshmin 2$USD
pairom datesdrymin 3.5$USD
barhi datesdrymin 3$USD

Dates Wholesale Market

Dates wholesale markets: Iran has managed to become the second-largest date producer in the world by producing more than one million tons of this product annually. Although Iran has the first place when it comes to the amount of land dedicated to growing dates, because of using inefficient cultivation and storage methods, using trees with a lower yield, and using less modern methods compared to Egypt, it has a lower annual yield and has gotten second place in the global market. The southern provinces of Iran are one of the most important production centers in the country. Khuzestan, Bushehr, Fars, Kerman, Hormozgan, and Sistan and Baluchestan are Iran’s six primary date production provinces. They play an essential role in the agriculture and economics of Iran by producing different types of dates.

Dates wholesale price

Dates wholesale price: Date production, sale, and purchase in Iran have a long and historical background. Buyers from all around the world would travel to Iran to get this product. Nowadays, Iranian dates are exported to different parts of the world. This plant is the second-most cultivated plant in Iran. About one million tons of this product are grown and harvested in the country’s southern areas and distributed in the market. Dates are usually produced and sold or bought in 15 provinces of the country. Two-thirds of this production happens in Kerman, Khuzestan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Bushehr, and Hormozgan. Big markets in Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and China are some of the wholesale buyers of Iranian dates, and that is because of the excellent quality and wide varieties of the dates grown in Iran.

Wholesale dates Suppliers

Every day, after each harvest season, a new season for wholesalers begins where both local and foreign buyers buy this product from farmers and producers. This wholesale usually starts at the end of summer and lasts until the end of the year. Most of the dates are sold from September to November. People interested in buying dates can buy them from date shops located in the country’s southern provinces. [ wholesale dates online , bulk buy dates  ]

Dates wholesale price

The wholesale dates in Iran are usually between 0.5-1 USD for regular dates and 1-5 USD for high-quality dates. The wholesale and the exported dates prices will reach their minimum in the harvest season. Usually, the cost of buying from producers and farmers is 20-30% different compared to the cost of purchasing them from the market. That difference is the cost of transportation and third party fees. The best way of buying wholesale and cheap dates is by contacting farmers and producers. Buyers and exporters purchase dates from farmers too because it’s cheaper and more profitable for them.

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Buy Dates Online

Buy Dates Online: This product is quite popular in foreign markets. European buyers have a favorable opinion about directly purchasing top-grade Iranian dates. A large amount of this product is shipped to European countries such as Russia, Germany, and England every year. In recent years, exporting this product to east Asian countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia has been improved. One of the main reasons for that is the increasing number of Muslim people and the spread of Islamic culture in these countries. In Ramadan, the market for dates becomes even more popular because of the increased consumption rate of this product in this month. Rival countries compete with each other on this month to gain the highest profit.

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As mentioned earlier, Iran is one of the largest date fruit exporters in the world, and a lot of companies and people are active in this scene. The annual date yield of Iran is about one million tons. The highest consumption rate happens in Ramadan. The following products are some of the most important exported dates of Iran:

Kimia DatesMazafati DatesPiarom DatesZahidi DatesBarhi DatesLulu DatesRabbi DatesKabkab DatesKali Dates

How to Buy Bulk Dates from BasketBulk?

The BasketBulk is not a seller and is an intermediary between the buyer and the seller (of course, all the review of the situation between the buyer and the seller is their responsibility. Our site only works in the field of introduction between the buyer and the seller)
The buyer sends the pre-order form and contact information to the seller, then waits for the seller to call and can finally finalize his purchase.

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